When I was a kid, the great tradeoff for being sick wasn't just skipping school. It was the joy of a drowsy day at home with PBS, mid-morning movies, coloring books, fruit juices, loving parents... and the soothing sound and cooling mist of our humidifier.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Vapes I Want, pt. 1: Snoopy, Come Home!

As an obsessed humidiot -- and as with any collector, regardless of specific obsession -- I keep a mental list of particular items or products (we collectors smartly call them 'pieces' when we want to appear serious and informed) I find most desirable. 

I have many interests besides vaporizers of course, and have long been obsessed with other subjects -- among them Hallowe'en decor, antique radios and related vintage electronics, and the classic Universal movie monsters -- and within each interest are numerous rare, prized, highly desired pieces I (and every other collector in the world!) wish to find and acquire; the classic fantasy is of course finding said items in perfect condition at an old estate or garage sale where the previous owner is utterly ignorant of the item's rarity and worth and gives them away, either for an absurdly low price, or in the most delightful dream sequence, for FREE.

One can dream.

At any rate, one of my Most Wanted vaporizers is actually not terribly rare or difficult to find, but I have yet to find myself in the right situation to acquire it (the right combination of price, place, condition, etc.).

In 1970, the Milton Bradley Company, under its Amsco brand line, produced the Snoopy Cool Mist Vaporizer:

(The above images are from a Worthpoint auction; the rest are from other 
online auctions and sales long over. Obviously they are not
from my collection, since I wouldn't be writing about wanting what
I already have.  Probably.  I don't know, I'm kind of weird.)

It is about 16" from base to 'nose', and about 13" x 10" otherwise.

In that last image, note the angled 'chimney cap'; it tends to be missing now from most examples of this item one can find, like this next one...


(It is a true cool mist impeller humidifier.)

The Snoopy vape has sold for as much as $150 in decent working condition in its box, and about half that unboxed and well used. Most examples I can find tend to fall between $80 and $120. Given that a decent working 240 style vape currently goes for between $90 and $140 (before the obligatory absurd shipping costs), I think the value of its Snoopy-ness is reasonable... if it works well and sounds good. I have yet to find any video of one in action.

I desire this piece especially because it crosses my love of humidifiers with my love of all things Peanuts, which in turn crosses my love of all things Hallowe'en as well; surely, if this vape sounds anything like a decent cool mist vape should, I can only imagine the joy of running it on a late October night while listening to Vince Guaraldi's The Great Pumpkin Waltz. I hope one of these years to experience just that...

(My very quickly rendered idea of what that might be like.)

I know I will find the right deal at the right time. It would be a wonderful addition to my collection, and I do want to actually use it, at least once in a while.

I am off to dream of the above image now... setting up my laptop to play some Vince Guaraldi...

G'night... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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