When I was a kid, the great tradeoff for being sick wasn't just skipping school. It was the joy of a drowsy day at home with PBS, mid-morning movies, coloring books, fruit juices, loving parents... and the soothing sound and cooling mist of our humidifier.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Vapes I Want, pt. 2: The Holy (Toledo!) Grail.


This is the one I would love most to find, especially in good, clean condition (at least cosmetically).



The DeVilbiss Cool Vapor Humidifier-Vaporizer No. 400. 

'Recommended for use in arresting symptoms of "Winter Dryness"' (in quotes, as if it was a euphemism for something unpleasant).

For all the years I've been a devoted humidiot, I have only become aware of the existence of this model over the past few years, and have never seen one online, at auction or on sale. I've yet to even find a legitimate picture of one. 

Nope. I have only found the above image from numerous auctions; it's actually a postcard (I am guessing from the late 1950s or early 1960s). Here is the other side:



I honestly have never seen any other evidence this model was ever actually produced. 

Or when.

Okay, I am sure it really was produced, of course. I'm just being dramatic.

But I can't find it anywhere. Sale or not, no proof of it being real

All I know is it was made by DeVilbiss of course, and that they were based in Toledo, OH, starting their business existence in 1897. And that's about it.

And I think it's kinda weird -- well okay, let's first state the primary weirdness that anyone would send to a loved one a postcard hawking a vaporizer, but beyond that -- I do think it's weird that over the years I've found a few dozen different auctions from different sellers of this same postcard, but never found the vaporizer itself. I mean, it seems rather odd that this advertisement exists in enough quantity to be sold by numerous people over the years, yet the actual product it's pushing is so rare it can't be found anywhere online, at auction or in real photos, collectors blogs, review videos, vintage service or user manuals, etc.. 

So if it really exists... where does it exist?

Because I WANT one, damnit!

I mean... just look at it! Gorgeousness.

It's essentially a 240-style vape only made square instead of round, a kind of art deco/factory building architectural version of the original 240 design, like the top of a museum or bank in the '30s, but filled with water (preferably distilled) and ready to put the whole town to sleep... and probably make it nice and humid all night -- curing the city's "Winter Dryness", no doubt.

I am sure it really exists, but again, I have yet to prove it... and I eagerly look forward to the day I do. 

In the meantime, I keep a'looking.

... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

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