That's me.
I've been a humidiot for most of my life. I would say all of my life but I'm not done yet so I can't truly say. But so far... yeah.
Total humidiot.
What about you?
Do you revel in the cool misting white noise of a clean, working, filled-to-the-line humidifier/vaporizer? Have you done so ever since the first time your parents brought one into your room?
Do you have cherished memories of some of the best 'sleeps' of your young life, not having to get up for school and just laying there all cozy and sniffly and listening to its hissing, soothing murmur?
Did you sometimes fake being sick, not even necessarily to miss school, but just to get one more night with "the vape"?
Do you enjoy regularly running your vintage impeller-type cool mist humidifier even when you are feeling perfectly fine and the weather is nowhere dry enough to require it?
If so... you are a humidiot (or is that 'an humidiot'?).
Like me.
Now, I'm guessing you have generally thought -- when the subject ever crossed your mind, that is -- that you were all alone in your humidiocy; or, if you grew up with siblings, you might have believed they shared this secret joy with you, that you all celebrated your humidiocy together on those magic nights and days when mom set up the vape in one or the other of your shared rooms... but surely no one else would really understand; surely, you might have thought, it was some quirk of your own goofy nature that compelled you to set up a blanket-bed on the floor right next to the vaporizer and lay out a towel or two in just such a fashion as to let the water mist up and bead on your face without drenching your pillow so badly your mom would get mad; surely only you and your siblings really knew why it was so wonderful to hear a parent exclaim "you'd better sleep with the vape tonight!" after hearing enough coughs or sniffles from one or two of you.
I imagine you may well have thought such things over the years.
But believe it or not -- your humidiocy is neither goofy nor rare.
It is in fact shockingly common... and this stupid (and I mean really stupid) blog should go some way to proving you are not alone.
Can you recall it even now? The hours spent mostly half asleep, the Vicks vaporub, the heating pad or a cooling forehead washcloth, watching the (usually black and white) TV, or listening to your transistor radio, taking your medicine and then getting apple, orange or grape juice and sometimes if you were really good (or just especially adorably pathetic), one of your dad's late-morning breakfast Morton's honeybuns?
Yeah, that last bit might be fairly specific to my family but my point is... can you recall it?
And, do you recall it all, every time you use your vaporizer?
You DO have and use one, don't you? I mean, it doesn't have to be a Hankscraft but you have some kind of cool mist vaporizer to use, right?
No, we don't use it all the time, of course. Like Christmas, or certain vices, too much is too much, and the magic can go away for a time if you overdo it. But in balance... pure heaven.
So, more to come soon. I don't know how much more -- how much can be written about humidifiers? -- but there is more in the offing.
Until then, find yourself a good, vintage cool mist impeller type 'vape' and get it clean and working.
What's that? You don't quite know where and how and all of that?
Well then... there certainly is much more to post, isn't there?
I'll help as best I can, as soon as I can.
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